It's fun to walk across the fields and hills in the blinding whiteness of a sunny, snow-covered January day. But it's another story in March when the bulbs, the leaves and the buds are being scorched by the coldness that is thrust upon them. Snow arriving in March steals the thoughts of spring that have been steadily growing with the lengthening days.
I took the photograph above on a bright day as the sun was asserting its ascendancy over the snow and ice. On this stream near Garstang the surface of the water was moving again, and the ripples were bending the light, throwing bright wavy lines on to the pebbles below. The fringing ice was slowly retreating, its sharp, white, angular patterns becoming soft, clear and rounded as they melted. As a representation of the onset of spring this shot is more characteristic of those northerly climes where the snow settles for months on end. This year it represents Lancashire!
photograph & text (c) T. Boughen