
Sunday, February 07, 2010

Best of PhotoReflect 5

click photo to enlarge
I've updated my Best of PhotoReflect gallery to version 5 (use this link or the permanent link on the right). Each time I make a revision I remove some of the older shots and replace them with recent images that I think are better. This time I've also added a couple of new folders - London and People. Anyone new to this blog may wonder why it's taken over 4 years to amass this tiny number of "people shots". Well, that's just the way I am, I don't take many photographs of people!

Once again I've used the free utility called JAlbum, but this time I've swapped "skins", replacing "Chameleon" (included with JAlbum) with "FotoPlayer" (separately downloaded.) This seems to be quite good, though it does have one or two quirks that I hope the author changes, not least the blank start-up page and the menu that has to be called up each time you change folders/galleries. JAlbum has moved on since I last used it, and now offers 30Mb of web space for your galleries and built in FTP that links to it. It also has a set of useful widgets - page counter, comments, etc. If you've ever thought of putting photographs on the web, in a location other than Flickr or its competitors, this is a quick and relatively easy way of doing it.

photograph & text (c) T. Boughen